All platform teams share the same primary mission: improve developer productivity. There may be many other organization-specific secondary goals for creating platforms such as controlling cost, improving security, maintaining high site reliability, and...
For my Summer Internship, I built RackN Interactive Labs!
Learning IaC and DevOps is hard! What if your summer job was to make it easier? As the summer (and v4.10 release) comes to a successful end, we sat down with our UX intern, Zander Franks, to learn more how he did that and more with the Interactive Labs feature that he...
A harvest of IaC orchestration features in Digital Rebar Platform
Digital Rebar v4.10 IaC Automation added Labs, Alerts, improved operator statistics and visualizations, made it much easier to set up air gapped systems, enhanced our Terraform drift and linting integration, and improved advanced API data queries. There’s even a preview feature that lets Digital Rebar act as a proxy for secure console access to managed machines.
The Future of VMware: should you be worried?
Last week, Broadcom announced its intention to acquire VMware. That has our industry wondering: what is the future of VMware? We know many RackN customers rely on VMware products, so we wanted to take a moment to explain how RackN helps secure and even strengthen your...
How to: Use Terraform IaC Modules with Infrastructure Brokers
RackN Digital Rebar Infrastructure Pipelines helps you standardize code from any part of your infrastructure. But you don't have to build Infrastructure Pipelines from scratch! You can use tools you already use, like Ansible and Terraform, to create Infrastructure...
Pump up your Infrastructure Pipelines with an injection of Ansible
Squashing tool sprawl is one of the strengths of RackN Digital Rebar Infrastructure Pipelines. You’re probably already using things like Terraform and Ansible to automate building cloud infrastructures. I'm sure you aren’t looking to start over again with yet another...
Our VMware Advice: Ruthless Optimization and Rightsizing
Concerns about VMware aren't new, they existed before the acquisition, but they’re a growing crisis due to recent changes by Broadcom. Many in the industry are looking for answers or alternatives to VMware. That’s why we’re providing access to The CIO’s Guide to...
Building More Productive Infrastructure: Intellyx’s Four-Part Series
In a recent four-part series hosted by Intellyx, critical lessons on building more productive infrastructure were discussed. Each post stands alone with valuable insights, but taken together, they present a comprehensive guide for enterprises looking to optimize their...
Beware of Silos! A Vendor Breakdown of the Infrastructure Automation Market Guide
If you've looked at the 2024 Gartner Infrastructure Automation and Orchestration Tools Market Guide, you've probably seen the big list of Representative Vendors (including us!) and felt a little daunted at all those names. We've gone ahead and categorized all 25...
Walk Away from VMware: Multi-Vendor Deployment in Four Practical Steps
Having choice in your IT vendor stack is the best way to ensure affordable and resilient infrastructure. We’ve seen customers save hundreds of millions of dollars when they implement a multi-vendor approach. It also helps them navigate a complex and changing IT...
Updating Licenses for Your Operational Needs
At RackN, we recognize that each of our customers have unique needs and levels of engagement with their infrastructure automation. That's why we’re excited to introduce new licensing plans that make it easier to choose the right license. If you’re already...