Scaling Enterprise IaC (BankN demo) is a fictional bank used to demonstrate actual Infrastructure Pipelines used by RackN customers.

Enteprise Technology Showcase

RackN regularly showcases our enteprise solution at Cloud Field Day events using the personal of technology leaders at a fictional bank, BankN.  These include highlighting Platform Engineering (CFD17), Ansible and Terraform Orchestration (CFD15), and Multi-Site Infrastructure management (CFD13).

Platform Engineering [Cloud Field Day 17]

“Framing the demos from this perspective sparked a lot interest from the delegates and helped paint a clear picture for what RackN is hoping to accomplish with Digital Rebar.” (full post)


Cloud Field Day 13 Delegate Source Code

Review the Digital Rebar IaC content used for the BankN demo at!

The following progressive demos related to were presenting during CFD15 and CFD13You can also review the BankN IaC content used for the demo here!